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Redaction, Redaction and more Redaction


I’m not entirely sure where the last few months have can we be so close to March already? I’m now in my final, final semester, when the last 6 years of studying BA Fine Art will reach its conclusion in June. This is both exciting and daunting.

Looking back at my work between October 2021’s Project Space and today, I have explored a number of different things, and continued with my Redaction Series, and the overarching theme of Institutional (or Organisational) Narcissism. I guess that in part answers the question of where the last few months have gone!

Using some images taken on the day of the Redaction Room event, led to the start of a whole series of self-portraits. It made me realise how much of this current exploration was about the effect that my experiences have had on me personally, reflecting my own sense of disempowerment and frustration at not being able to get answers to questions, and my inability to right various wrongs.

I’ve made several variations on this theme, experimenting with scale, different images, overlays exposing hidden messages, and stop motion videos - all of which you can on my vimeo account along with the various methods of redaction, found in the guide to redaction, published by the National Archives.

I’m intrigued, and somewhat mystified by the Nolan Principles (which apply to anyone who works as a public office-holder), given they are not always evident. I have explored incorporating a reference to these within my work. Do take a look to see how many you recognise!

I produced a number of prints, using drypoint, collagraph (pictured) and screen-printing to explore redaction further, with interesting results, particularly the screen prints using flocking, which created a subtle velvet texture on the surface of the paper. I wanted to explore both the aesthetics of redaction and also the absurdity of using alternative methods of redaction, especially where not practical.

I’ve also been playing around with scale and looking at creating a physical barrier to disrupt the viewer’s ability to see the whole picture. These are A3 laser cut plywood panels, though in my head they are at least 6 feet tall…

This week we were due to set up for a final year BA Fine Art pop up exhibition in Hereford, but storms Dudley and Eunice have led to a postponement of that. Hopefully I can report back on a successful exhibition next time.

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