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  • andreakdavis

Welcome to my Website and Blog

It's my final year of studying for a degree in Fine Art at Hereford College of Arts. As I have been doing this part time, it's my 6th year! I thought it was about time I had a website, and that a blog would be a useful way of putting some of my thoughts on paper (well an online version). I decided I'd start with how the Level 6 (final year) Project Space Event went. This is something each L6 Fine Art student gets to do and the event takes place on a Friday at 3pm. Students gets to take over a designated studio space for a week and pretty much do what they want, using it to explore ideas, get feedback on their work, maybe try out some new ideas.

Project Space Event – 22nd October 2021 Part 1. Panic, Preparation and Planning This all began with a slight feeling of panic and faced with the daunting prospect of being first up for the series of project space events this year. 3 weeks to plan and put into action! To get underway, in the first week I started to jot down some initial thoughts, drawing upon the overall theme I plan to look at for this year’s fine art resolution of practice (FARP...yep, always raises a giggle), including a critique and response to Institutional\Organisational Narcissism (further explanation to follow). Having recently received an absurdly redacted document, after a long wait following a FOI (Freedom of Information) request, I used this as a start point, coming up with the idea of The Redaction Room, hoping that specific ideas would follow! The first step was to create a promotional flyer that could be used on social media and to create some printed flyers\posters.

I also then began to print out some of the photographic images that I had previously been working with and redacting, so see how they might scale up. I printed out some of the redacted text from emails and reports that I had personally received. With ideas of the work forming, I went to take a good look at the project space and think about the layout and where work might be positioned.

My initial idea was to divide the room with a small partition, though this changed as time went on when those ideas also changed.

I created a rough timeline of tasks and continued to jot down ideas as I went along about what I wanted to create and started making in earnest the following week. During the week of the actual event, I spent more time in college, not least as by this stage I had a thought about including a video within the space and needed help from the IT team to realise my ideas.

In the blog posts to come I will talk further about how the individual elements I included within the space…

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